Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

June - 2008 - Maddy Proulx, Wes, Noreen visiting Mom and Dad

Maddy is such a great friend to Mom and Dad. She always calls and visits....
Here is Mom's physical therapist "Noreen"....she had Mom outside walking up and down the neighborhood...good for you Mom. Thanks Noreen for all your help with Mom.
We went to the Job Lot (of course) and found these "matching" shirts....doesn't Mom look so cute?
We took Wes to the Southbridge Airport....what a cute little place. I guess it used to be the highest point in Southbridge...but now with the Mountain next to it, it seems lower....but it's quite busy with folks coming in and out in their airplanes.
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Blogger Chanikynes said...

yay the blog is finally up to date!

great photos mom :-)

Now back to the regular weekly updates grammie jeannie!

6/16/2008 1:16 PM


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