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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Kari Olsen -BC MBA - 5K Run for Autism

Hi everyone,

We had a great day yesterday April 8, 2006 as we were the fan club for Kari Olsen, Aaron Kohler, Carrie Hawkins, Janet Grene, Ron Olsen and Jared Sanborn. It was freezing and we were praying for some sun -- but what a gorgeous campus at BC. We had a great day and Sinead, Rachel, Sue, Stacie and myself helped take movies and these photographs!!! We got to meet many of Kari and Aaron's MBA collegues....congratulations to Kari, as she will earn her MBA this May from Boston College!!!! Fun day and it's great to have our Irish family here to share in the fun....we're off to Worcester, Mass. today for another 5K race with Jape and Brian Miskell.....it's for the firefighters of Worcester....Jape actually knows the Aunt of one of the firefighters....the sun is shining and its' a little warmer -- Yippee....Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weekend!!!! Spring is here!!!
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