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Monday, May 15, 2006

Flooding in Chelmsford - May 15, 2006

We're all praying for "SUN" -- Jeannie and Bonnie took a ride to N. Chelmsford - Tyngsboro Road and Dunshire Rd....what a flood they are dealing with. Our friend Sue's lovely home is flooded --- She is trying to make the best of it -- Her daughter Alisa lives in Lovely/Sunny/Gorgeous San Diego and she said "Mom, please move out here"!!! Sounds like a great idea this week. You can see that Tyngsboro Road/Route 3-A is completely closed off and many businesses down there are flooded as well. We are tough New Englanders ha??? Summer is around the bend for sure!!!! Praying for some relief...hopefully this is the last day/night of heavy rain!!! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Chanikynes said...

Nice updates mom :-)

Love it!


5/15/2006 10:23 PM


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