Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

BC 5k race with Kari, Carrie, Ron, Sue, Stacie, Jared and Abby

Pa O, Kari and Carrie are all in this one....start...
Abby's first "BC Race" with her Mom...first of many....My "baby" has a "baby"....
Had a great day at the race....I have a new nick name thanks to Ron - "Louie the Lugger"...since I was the only adult left "holding the bags" and "holding Abby"....Jared is fine though...he took a tossle on the pavement/sidewalk and had to go to Newton Wellsley Hospital for 5 stitches on his chin...you'll see in the photographs below. Went out to Roggie's for a nice lunch with everyone....It was gorgeous sun but so "cold.....".....great Day!!!



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