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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bunny family in our front yard

Jay felt so sad the other day when he was working in the front garden and discovered a little nest of tiny newborn bunnies.....he was so careful not to disturb them and moved them to the side and re-created their nest. We all worried that "Mom" would not return to take care of them. Then Jay talked to his sister Linda and friend Bonnie (both knowing more about wild animals)...and they said to put them back where they were and try not to touch them. Jay checked every chance he could and never saw the "Mom" until almost 2 days later...he went outside with a flashlight and saw the "Mom" taking care of them. Now the "Mom" has re-built the nest and covered them over and there's a little "tunnel" where she can go in and out....all is well once again in our yard and now we'll have at least 6 more live and kicking bunnies to eat our garden!!!! Life is great!!!! Summer is here in New England....Yippee!!!
pointing to the little babies...
freshly fixed up bunny home....
Here is Jay this morning (Wednesday) pointing to the newly fixed up "bunny house"....
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Blogger Chanikynes said...

glad the bunnies are ok.

Dad cracks me up... he's saving those little bunnies but then will be complaining when they eat all the squash :-)

Ah - well plenty of Jeff
Sougnez garden veggies to go around!

6/28/2007 8:19 AM


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