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Sunday, August 19, 2007

August 5 - St. Mary Church, Chelmsford, Mass. Deacon Larry Miskell (AKA: Great Grandpa) baptises Abigail Sougnez & Lincoln Jeffrey

What a great day!!! Sunday we gathered here in Chelmsford for the joint baptism of our grandaughter Abigail and grandson Lincoln....Dad/Grandpa/Great Grandpa -- Deacon Larry Miskell performed the ceremony....what a great memory to have your own Dad baptise your grandchildren!!! Here's Tighe with Abby.
Tighe, Abby and Carrie. Stacey Sanborn let us borrow her Irish baptism dress with an Irish bib that JP/Nick had sent over from Ireland when her boys were baptised....
Here are my 2 daughters with their handsome husbands and adorable "newly baptised grandchildren"....I'm so proud of my daughters that they would share this day.
The kids look happy ha?
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