Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'll help you Dad....setting up the tent in Bristol...

Stacie and Joel lent their tent to Kathy and Brian for the trip to Kim's last weekend to Maine. When Lance saw his Dad starting to set it up...he ran and got his tool kit to "help his Dad"....He was so "intent and focused" as he went and got his tool box and went outside to help!!!

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Blogger Chanikynes said...

oh my goodness.. that is the cutest.. he really thinks his tool box is real!

9/06/2007 2:04 PM

Blogger Chanikynes said...

oh my goodness.. that is the cutest.. he really thinks his tool box is real!

9/06/2007 2:04 PM


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