Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 10-11 -- Weekend in Chelmsford

Headed straight to Robert's Field - aka: Friendship Park with Lance every day he was here. He gets up in the morning...plays with his train set and then says "let's go to the playground"...how can a "Grammie" resist? He's also learning that .10 cents will buy him 2 lollypops at Bill's country store...he's learning all the good (or should I say bad) things about hanging out at Grammie and Pepe's house.

I can't believe he actually stopped for a second and posed for this....I had just said to him "come on let's go get a lollypop at the store"...I had my quick "posing moment"....

Lance is "planner"...he's always figuring out how to do "hard" stuff...like maneuvering this "truck" through the "fun house" structure... more photos to follow....
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Blogger Chanikynes said...

that is a cute posed picture of lance.. now why can't we get him to do that for the family photo?

11/16/2007 8:50 PM

Blogger lifeofjeannie371 said...

Maybe it's a "Grammie/Nana" thing...It's a quick moment with Lance ... he can't stand to be "still"...just ask his other Mom "Terry".....it was a fun day with the grandkids....

11/17/2007 8:02 AM


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