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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December 15 and 16 - Theresa and the "Christmas Carolers"

Theresa, Sam and Matt headed to Southbridge over the weekend .... they went out Christmas Caroling with Jackie, Jacob, Rachel and Mom even joined in....Looks like fun....and we have plenty of snow for Sammy, Matt and Jacob to go "sledding" ... looks like fun for the "North Country Boys" ha? I love Mom's "holiday walker" that Wes helped her decorate a few weeks ago. Also love everyone's festive Santa Claus hats...Did you get those hats at the North Pole? Where did Sammy get his? Looks like a fun weekend down there!!! Hey, it's Jeffrey Sires Birthday today...Happy Birthday Jeff. He's 16 years old today....can't believe he'll be driving soon. Have fun Jeff.

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