Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14 - Monday - NO SCHOOL/Yippee - Another foot of snow!!!

Had a "day off" from driving the children ... since we got another foot of "lovely/light" snow. It was great though...I got out this afternoon and "snow shoe'd" to the Country Store...Bill and Jackie had to laugh at me walking around the store in my "snow shoes". You can see where the picnic table is...remember our "Christening" party? Can't seem to remember what the picnic table looks like with our "summer meals" on it. I went shopping with Sue to EMS last week and bought these really great "Marmot Driclime" Winter leggings. They are so comfortable, lightweight and warm. I was walking along thinking "you'll never fall in snow shoes"...and of course, I took a fall...there was a big branch on the soccer field that was "camouflaged" by all the snow....I fell straight on my knees...but no problem with all the fluffy snow and these pants never got wet!!! Life is great!!!!
I called Lance and told him the playground was "buried in snow".....Spring will arrive someday!!! All you Florida Snow Birds....Enjoy!!! Talked to Theresa in Conway and she went skiing with Jeff and Eladio (he's still on school break from UNH).
Our long time neighbor Joe Bush took these photographs of our "winter wonderland"....
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