Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Run of the Charles - April 27, 2008....NUHOC "competitors"...

I know it's been some time since I've updated my blog...I am sorry but many things have been happening...I'm trying to get back to my routine of updating regularly....My Dad is home and doing very well from "triple-by-pass" surgery just over 3 weeks ago...Mom is now at a re-hab recooping from a broken hip....She took a nasty fall last week (just as Dad was due to come home)....but she's doing good now too. So here I am back to posting some happenings...I'll do "flash back" stuff to get caught up....but here we are yesterday....at the "Run of the Charles". Carrie is on a "relay" team with her collegues from Northeastern University Huskies Outing Club (NUHOC). The finish line is near the Northeastern Boating club...it's a fun day and at the end -- everyone has cookouts and Starbucks even gave out free coffee. To read more about this "race", go to this web page: http://www.crwa.org/rotc/rotc.html
I love this one of Carrie, who had a hard time getting out of this slide/tunnel with her happy little daughter!!! I love the profile of Miss Abby in the first photograph!!!
Cute family photograph....Abby loved getting a free ride on her Dad all day...
I actually got in one photograph with Miss Abby...the Northeastern Boat club is in the background. It's right near where we put our boat in to go up the Charles River in the Summer for our "60/70's concerts".
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally.. an update to your blog. Nice pictures. Of course you have the best subject for most of them. The only kind of picture Abby knows how to take are cute ones.

- Abby's dad (AKA #1 SIL)

4/29/2008 10:05 AM


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