Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Friday, May 02, 2008

April 28 - Visit with Mom and Dad...

Don't Casey and Larry look cute here? JP took Dad in to see Mom at Overlook where Mom is in re-hab for a while....don't they both look great? Dad is just 4 weeks out of triple by-pass and Mom had hip surgery on April 23. Bobby and Tommy came to visit too. Mom was feeling so good, she wanted to take a little ride outside...it's so beautiful there at Overlook. I is just across the way from St. Joseph's church too and thanks to everyone there for taking such good care of Mom and Dad both!!!!

Here is Mom just a day after surgery....Dad was happy to get in for a quick visit to Harrington Hospital. Thanks to everyone there for taking good care of Mom.
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