Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

May 31 - Hanging with Mom and Dad in Southbridge....Frankie and Wes home for a while...

Hi all....I'm getting back to some current happenings ... while still trying to get caught up with "flashbacks"!!! Here we are sitting on the front porch ...Frankie was heading back after spending a few weeks with "Casey and Larry"....Wes is over from Ireland for a while too....Had a great visit with everyone. Mom is getting stronger as she keeps up with her physical therapy. Dad is getting back to his "routine"...he "worked" the 4:30 p.m. Mass this day with Fr. Bob....Dad said the church members gave him a "hero's welcome"...he was so glad to get back to some of his regular "routine". It took Frankie 25 hours to get home since there were crazy thunderstorms all over the country..He called and said he got to Colorado Springs just in time to change up and head to work. That's the life of an "aviator"....I love the photograph with all of us and I especially love the one with Wes and Mom. Don't Mom and Dad look cute? Will try to put more stuff up this week. Took Mom to the wonderful "Job Lot"....everyone knows how much I LOVE that place! But Mom was happy as she found a nice "work" shirt for her bathroom "Project Manager" son Bobby. More photographs of all the stuff happening here later on....

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