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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Merrimack River along the banks by the Roarke Bridge

Here I am on a lovely park bench over the Roarke Bridge on the banks of the Merrimack River - right near the Camelot Court Condo area -- Linda Sougnez - you used to live there and it was all "under water" last week....My friend Bonnie took this photo - we ended up covering the flood for days - it was so fascinating watching how much the river changed in those few days of torrential/horrible rain....
Here are a couple of folks walking along the river with so much "under water"....the river was "roaring"... even the sounds were so loud from the fast flow.....just after this photo was taken, the national guard had to tell them to get off the embankment as the waters were so treacherous..... Posted by Picasa


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