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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Vinnie Fleming - Runs 2006 Boston Marathon

Vinnie did great on his time (2 hours 56 minutes).....wonderful for him!!! He's been able to train out on the west coast with the lovely weather out there!!! Joining us were his brother Ken from Portland and Cynthia's brother Michael, Sue and Ron, Jeffrey and Jeannie, and Vinnie's niece Paula. Mickey is becomming a runner too - just like Dad!!! We all met after the race at the pub where all the runners hang out...had a quick "cold one" -- must have tasted great Vin ha??? It was great to see everyone....it was a cold but sunny day - great for the runners....we also tried to find Dukie - aka John Duggan and Christina Contardo -- it is so crowded there -- it's a miracle you can find anyone....congratulations to all!!! Posted by Picasa


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