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Friday, April 27, 2007

Afternoon with Abby, Carrie and Grammy Sue

Carrie loves "cooing" and talking to her little daughter....
Carrie loves to kiss her little daughter too!!!
The dogwood trees are in full bloom....Spring is finally here!!!
Here's Loch "Medford/Meffa".....doesn't it look like "Loch Gor" in Ireland Jape and all you Grenes????
Abby says "enough" Grammys.....
Had a nice visit with Carrie and Abby....I had a 1/2 day in Chelmsford Thursday -- so Sue and myself decided to go for a quick visit...took a walk to Fells pond aka: Loch "Meffa"....JP - don't get jealous over there in Ireland...It's not Loch Gor but it's "close"....



Blogger Chanikynes said...

Nice photos mom!
I love the one of you and abby by the tree.

I also like the dorky one of sue and I in loch meffa :-)

Happy days!


4/27/2007 5:41 PM


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