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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Hampton Beach - June 2007

Sinead, I had Sue take this photograph to show that I'm wearing your "team" sweatshirt from Ireland...it is great and with the hood, it's nice and "cozy" as your mom would say!!
Sue, Linda and myself took a quick trip to the beach as soon as school got out...it was great and the sun was out...although it was a little cold we were happy to just relax on the beach....we also got to see the sand sculptures....I never realized how involved they are .... we picked a few that we thought would win....

I'm pretty sure that this one was the "winner"...how detailed could this be? They actually have to import special fine sand for these sculptures and they use bio-degradable vegetable spray to "hold" them together...I guess the rain is not a problem but the wind will destroy them....it was great to see.
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