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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Annual Thanksgiving Golf day at Cohassee Country Club....

The weather this year was so mild...sunny and 65 degrees...we took advantage of it and took a walk to the gorgeous "oh oh did I say gorgeous" country club right next to Mom and Dad's house....We golfed one hole and they all took turns "finding" the balls in the woods. None of these folks should give up their day jobs...Tiger Woods has nothing to worry about. It was great to have Keith home from his second trip to Iraq. He had fun golfing too.

Miss Abby had fun watching...

She tried crawling but the ground was wet...she doesn't care does she?

Here are the lovely "Pyle" girls... Vanessa, Ashley, Kayla with Eladio and Wes....Kayla is graduating this year from Fairfield University....great for her!!!
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Blogger Chanikynes said...

I call this photo - Generation Y of the Miskell Clan.. all the college age kids :-)

11/25/2007 5:18 PM


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