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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sam's Granny made this uniform for his Mom back in 1975....

Sam dressed in this suit for the Colonial Fair at Conway Elementary School this week. This is the same uniform that his Granny (our Mom) made for Sam's mom Theresa back in 1975....when she was in the Drum and Fife Marching Corps in Westford, Mass. That was the year they marched from Westford to Concord and Lexington to celebrate our country's bi-centennial. A bunch of us Miskells camped out in Concord that day and watched Theresa march while playing the fife....Thanks for making the uniform Mom....It's still in use today!!! Looks great Sammy!!!
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Blogger Chanikynes said...

Nice outfit on sam.. what is that hat supposed to be?

11/25/2007 5:18 PM


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