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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Saturday - May 3 - visiting Southbridge....New Electric recliner for Dad...

Looks like Carrie and the "gang" headed to the neat little playground behind Mom and Dad's house in Southbridge....looks like fun Abby!!!
Kathy, Carrie, Lincoln and Abby took a ride to Southbridge to see Grandpa and Charlton to see Granny. Dad looks good ha?
JP found a wonderful "electric recliner" for Dad/Grandpa on the internet...the family who was selling it lives in Billerica, so we took a ride over and bought it for them!!! We got Jesse to help pick it up and get it in the truck. The family (who sold it to us for a great price) wanted to know that someone who really needed this chair was going to use it....check out Grandpa/Dad with JP and another one with Dad/Grandpa waving. Here's JP's email from the first night enjoying the new chair:

I sat in the chair tonight while Bobby, Dad, and I watched 'The Greatest game Ever Played'...boy does dad love that movie...Bob hadn't seen it...we watched the special features too...dad is still really enjoying it! It's almost midnight and he's still watching it...I'm going to go back and join him...
I told Mom all about the chair ...she said 'it's in my house???'...and I showed her dad sitting in it...I HOPE she realises how useful it will be!
I sat in the chair watching Greatest game...
A nice evening...thanks!
See u tomorrow...

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