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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Flashback to March 1 - Turks and Caicos "Dream trip" with Linda and Sue...

What a "dream" destination Turks and Caicos is!!! Had a golden opportunity to go with Linda and Sue for a week in March. I had a major "kerfufel" getting my passport in time. I had let it expire since I did not think I'd need it until Wes and Sylvia's wedding next Summer. But with a little "rushing" and "nerve wracking" paper and phone work, I got it just in time!!! Hint to anyone....please keep your passport "current"...in case a wonderful opportunity like this comes along!!! Here we are at this wonderful little restaurant at the tip of the island...could that be anymore "gorgeous"? I just love the beach. We had a few days of just "hangin" on the ocean, reading and relaxing. We also took in an Island boat trip.

Here is our Captain...He went diving and caught conch for all of us...here's mine.
Jeannie and Sue with our "Captain"...he was a great guy from Jamaica.
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