Hi everyone....just created this blog page -- not too technical....plain and simple -- the way life should be!!!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

May 5 - Bob and Brian at work....

Our "Stupid-intendent" Bobby and our "Assistant Stupid-intendent" Brian broke the rake and the shovel....what hairballs they are!!! They'll pose for any goofy photograph...they're trying to look like the "American Heritage" folks here!!!

Bobby wanted to look like a "tough fellow" here. He decided to take the sheet rock down so there's just a little more room for the shower. Ryan is coming down today to help out. It's really "moving along." This is the last time I'm calling my hard working brothers "Stupid-intendents!" Bobby is the one who insisted that this is his "title." They look like hard working guys to me. Will keep updating....
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